Monday, January 17, 2011

Gonna miss Three-dog.

I had just got Fallout: New vegas. And already...I miss Three dog!

Oh, I also got the Gamestop Pre-order bonus (Classic pack)...Without actually getting the Pre-order. I'm quite happy over that.

1 comment:

  1. If you haven't already finished the game yet, I'd suggest going with Yes Man.

    I found that New Vegas was bland and repetitive compared to Fallout 3. The main quests seamed... well the same. Like the choice between Shaved Ice and Cold water; Both have their benefits but in the end, Same old same old.

    Also: You made my day with the Christian Boyfriend thing. I hope you two have happy times together. My crush REALLY doesn't like me like that. But we still hug now and then and we help eachother with homework so all's good. I'm still lonely as fuck but hey, plenty of fish in the sea AmIRight? I'm sure you two are having a wonderful time. And probably look so cute together. Aaaaawwwww.

    (hopefully you read this before you break up, otherwise I'm an asshole and deserved to be spanked with a hot iron. No sexual innuendo intended)
